The horror stories are all the same: drive in, get searched, be threatened, and thrown out back on to the street.
During their freshman year of winter track, juniors Neil Patil and Marc Cho were told to run to the CIA and back. Little did they know, there is a thin line between the CIA bubble of security and a public road.
“As we were coming back to Georgetown Pike –still on the road that leads to the CIA- three black SUV’s, two police cars, and three undercover cops surrounded us! Probably ten police officers stepped out and asked what we were doing and told us we were trespassing on federal property,” said Patil.
Patil described how, shaking in his socks, “a cold bead of sweat ran down my face as I tried to muster up the courage to talk calmly with the police.” They were questioned, as if two freshman boys were conspiring to steal national secrets while running, and warned not to trespass onto federal property again.
The CIA is even sensitive about the road that goes to the Claude Moore farm, Colonial Farm road, because it goes right next to the border of the CIA.
Although the agency does have to be very careful about security, since the compound is surrounded by civilian areas, they should have a calmer protocol for accidental intruders.
So unless your Christmas wish is to be on the CIA’s watch list, you might want to avoid that oh-so-very curious driveway.