Only got $20 in your pocket? Feel free to go pop some tags.
This month a popular tune has rapidly swept the nation. With its infectious beat and funny music video the song “Thrift Shop” by Macklemore has remained the number one song in America for several weeks.
Not only is it the best song to sing to in the car, the lyrics actually hold some truth.
For many people thrift stores have become an affordable way to buy clothing. Recently, many Langley students have found advantages to thrift shopping whether influenced by the song or through other methods of discovery.
“All the clothes are way more comfortable at thrift stores because they’re already broken in,” said junior Emily Olmsted. “People are way nicer at thrift shops than they are at regular stores.”
For girls who want a distinct style, thrift stores often come in handy. “They have a lot of stuff that you don’t see in regular stores,” said junior Tori Kalinsky.
Many agree with the song’s encouragement of people to pick up their own quirky style through cheap clothes at thrift stores. “Thrift stores are usually inexpensive,” said Kalinsky.
“Their clothes are unique,” said junior Rachel Myers. “You can easily find someone wearing the same thing as you if you buy your clothes at a regular store, but at a thrift shop everything is one of a kind.”
The lack of order in thrift stores often deters people from shopping there, but some students claim that it is not a problem. “Some people don’t like it because it’s messy, but I don’t mind. It’s like an adventure, sifting through clothing,” said Olmsted.
Students also find the quality of clothes at thrift shops more inviting than that of regular stores. “Usually thrift stores have better quality than most regular stores because regular store clothes can get ripped or damaged,” said Kalinsky. “But at a thrift store, only the good clothes are kept and they are contained better”
Mackelmore says if you pay $50 for a t-shirt, the only thing you’re getting is swindled. Many students agree. “You get all the same clothes in a thrift store as you can in a regular store, except thrift store clothes are cuter and nicer than regular stores because the employees sort through the clothes and only put out the nice ones,” said Olmsted.
“Thrift stores have better pricing,” said Kalinsky, “I found my homecoming dress at a thrift store for $10 and it was probably the best quality dress I’ve ever gotten.”