Keeping it Classy
Senior Kaitlin Bonacci leads the class of 2017 and school events
Kaitlin Bonacci’s heart pounded as she approached the stage to give her speech as a candidate for office. She was terrified when the crowd quieted and the spotlight fell on her. Her voice trembled as she began listing things she would do for the class of 2017. The audience listened attentively. Once she was finished, the crowd erupted in applause and she stepped of the stage not knowing that later she was going to be elected class president. “The speech was definitely the worst part,” Bonacci said. “I’m so happy I ran!”
Bonacci is a senior at Langley and the president of class 2017. Kaitlin decided to join the leadership class because she wanted to have a part in organizing school events and positively affect the school. “We plan Sadie’s, Homecoming, pep rallies, and spirit weeks,” Bonacci said.
This class is where students get an opportunity to lead Langley high school and be role models. “The leadership class brings spirit to the school,” Freshman Victoria Stark said. Kaitlin tries to volunteer for whatever she can and offer new ideas and opinions to the class. Leadership class has made her more aware of what changes students want to see in the school. “I like being able to come up with awesome ideas [while working] with everyone in the class,” Bonacci said.
“Kaitlin is one of the most organized, dedicated, and involved students I have worked with,” Ms. Sandy Hamilton, the leadership advisor, said. “She is an excellent senior class president because she always puts others ahead of herself, and wants the best for the class as a whole,”
Having been treasurer for the three years before, Kaitlin decided to run for class president because she wanted to step up. “I don’t really know, just freshman year I decided to run for class office,” Bonacci said. Kaitlin surprised herself when she ran for president and read the speech in front of everyone because she never liked having the attention on her.
Being class president has lots of responsibilities and takes hard work. “I organize class events like treat days and senior trips with the other officers. We also do a lot with Mrs. Schultz for graduation,” Bonacci said. Kaitlin also takes part in, and leads, the senior assemblies. “Kaitlin is very concerned about the students and passionate about her job. I ask her questions about the school and she always know the answer,” Senior Taylor Shenk said.
Being involved in leadership class and being an officer is something Kaitlin has enjoyed. “It’s been a great thing to be a part of all four years with the other awesome class officers!”