There are lots of different rumors going around the area about Langley students. Some are completely ridiculous, while a few have some truth to them. Take a look!
Rumor: Langley is mostly Caucasian.
Reality: Yes. According to, here are the stats: Langley is 74% Caucasian, 18% Asian, 3% Hispanic, 1% Black, 4% Unknown
Rumor: There is a pool on the third floor.
Reality: Nope. Langley does not have a pool; only the freshmen think so.
Rumor: People at Langley are not nice.
Reality: False! If you just approach someone and be nice to them, you will most likely get a warm reception!
Rumor: If you don’t live in a mansion, then you are an outlier at Langley.
Reality:: Not completely true. “There are many people that are quite wealthy and go to Langley, but there are also many students that come from average, middle class families that have to work hard to afford some things.” – Catherine Beraud (10)
Rumor: Designer clothing is the norm for both boys and girls.
Reality: Yep, it’s somewhat true. “It is slightly true that students wear designer clothing, since we are near Tysons, which is full of designer clothes.” – Celeste Saddler (10)
Rumor: The Langley parking lot is loaded with Mercedes and BMWs.
Reality: According to security guard Mark Rogers, here are the stats: 5% Acura, 5% Volvo, 7% BMW, 8% Ford, 15% Honda, 6% Volkswagen, 5% Mercedes, and 19% Toyota.
Rumor: Most students at Langley do some sort of drugs or underage drinking.
Reality: Not at all! “Langley’s students believe in keeping a healthy life style and not taking part in these illegal activities. There maybe a few students that choose to go against the law and do these things but most of the students at Langley do not.” –Anonymous, South Lakes High School
Rumor: Langley High School students take the cake for having the most clubs.
Reality: It’s true, LHS has lots of clubs. In this year alone, students and faculty members are organizing about 45 clubs.
Rumor: Everyone at Langley uses English as his or her first language.
Reality: Most people speak English, but according to the Fairfax County Public School profiles, 3.84% of students are reported to have limited English proficiency.
Rumor: Next to TJ, Langley kids get the highest SAT scores, as well as AP exam scores.
Reality: Absolutely! Langley’s average SAT scores were higher than the state and national averages by almost 90 points. Furthermore, Langley has the second highest AP exam scores in the country.