Formed in the summer of 2009, Grand Revival, consisting of students from Langley, South Lakes, Marshall and Thomas Jefferson, is a hard-rock band with some occasional metal influence. The five members are Langley junior Alex Obolensky (vocals,) South Lakes junior Daniel Calem (guitar,) Marshall sophomore Nate Wilkinson (guitar,) Thomas Jefferson junior Gilbert Pitcher (bass) and Thomas Jefferson sophomore Tony Reiter (drums.)
This privately funded band has fresh music, which is illustrated by their original songs such as “In the Gutter,” “Peace Through War,” “Electronic Eyes,” “Washington Black,” and many more. Grand Revival’s members have individually performed at prominent clubs in the area including U street music hall in D.C., Jaxx in Springfield, Jammin’ Java in Vienna and Ned Devines.
The year-and-a-half old band will be participating in this year’s annual Jammin’ Java Battle of the Bands competition on January 11th from 7-9 pm. “Come out. We need your help to win this thing,” says Obolensky. Judging is partly based on crowd response and participation, so come out, show support, and cheer! Tickets to the show are available for $10 and can be purchased from Obolensky or by writing on the event wall on Facebook.
Check out Grand Revival at: