Twilight fans no longer have to bite their nails waiting to see what will happen next to Bella, her vampire boyfriend and the heartbroken werewolf – Breaking Dawn has finally arrived.
“I am excited to see Breaking Dawn because I need to complete my series,” said freshman Andrew Myers.
For the TwiFans of Langley, Breaking Dawn was a huge hit. “I thought it was really good because Taylor Lautner took off his shirt twenty-six seconds into the movie!” said Zora Mihaley.
“When I went at midnight, I thought it was amazing, especially the ending. I love Robert Pattinson,” said sophomore Golzar Yazdanshenas.
Many students agreed that even though Breaking Dawn was a good movie, there were some parts that were a bit too intense. “I thought it was good but I got a little scared during the birthing scene because there was a lot of blood and I thought that Rosalie was going to attack Bella,” said freshman Brittony Trumbull.
“It shouldn’t have been PG-13 because it was very inappropriate in certain scenes,” added freshman Shivali Marwaha.
There were also a great number of students that didn’t like the movie at all. “I saw the first Twilight movies and read the books; they were really good. The movies on the other hand were really cheesy and stupid,” said freshman Mina Parastaran.
“I also don’t like Kristin Stewart, so that’s one of the main reasons,” said sophomore Maria Lopez.” Junior Kyle Dear agreed with the haters, adding,“I think that there is no point to [the] Twilight [series]. When there are actually real life vampires, then we’ll talk about it.”
Even though Breaking Dawn will only be in theaters for a limited time, it will be wedged in memories for much longer as the movie that everyone was talking about.