Clockwork Prince is the second installment in The Infernal Devices series by Cassandra Clare, who also wrote The Mortal Instruments series.
The main characters Tessa Gray, Jem Carstairs and Will Herondale are out to seek the Magister, who escaped their clutches at the end of Clockwork Angel, the first book in The Infernal Devices series. The Magister wanted Tessa’s power, the power to change into anyone so long as she was holding something that belonged to them. Jem and Will fiercely protected her, and now the Magister is waging war on the Shadowhunters—those who swear to protect the normal world from demons.
Not only do Tessa, Jem and Will have to keep the world from being overrun by the Magister’s mechanical soldiers, but Jem and Will both have to try unsuccessfully to suppress their feeling for Tessa.
In Clockwork Angel, the readers were able to enjoy some Tessa/Will interactions, but now it’s Jem’s turn. Both boys are loveable in their own way and you’re sure to fall for one of the two while reading.
Cassandra Clare’s writing is crisp and enjoyable, keeping you turning the page until your fingers hit the back cover. It took quite a lot of willpower to pull myself away from it even to eat. The end leaves you dangling over the edge of that cliff, begging for more.
The only thing I must point out is how similar the plot is to her books in the series The Mortal Instruments. Love triangle between the main characters, someone waging war against the Shadowhunters, the main female character not knowing which of the boys to pick. The similarities don’t make the book any less enjoyable to read, it just makes it feel as if you’ve already read it before.
All in all, Cassandra Clare has hit the nail on the head once again. Give the book a shot—you won’t regret it.