A boy, a Bengali tiger, and the immense Pacific Ocean sum up the riveting award winning movie Life of Pi.
Based on the novel written by Yann Martel, Life of Pi is a jaw dropping story about the struggles and conquests endured by Piscine Molitor Patel, an Indian boy who lost everything in a severe storm.
After surviving 227 days with a Bengali tiger and a small boat, the movie sets out to be like no other. Since I have not read the book, I was kind of skeptical towards the movie at first. I was not exactly sure how interesting a whole movie would be on the survival of an Indian boy and a tiger. But after watching five minutes of the movie, I could not take my eyes off the screen. It really is like no other!
Sure, there are many movies about people getting lost at sea, but being stranded at sea with a ferocious tiger just made everything more attention-grabbing. Not to mention, the movie was in 3D causing all the special effects to really make you feel as if you are sitting right next to Pi on the boat and experiencing everything he is.
The computer graphics in the movie are fantastic! From detail to detail, the hard work and effort put into it really makes all the computer animated stuff feel like the real thing. I honestly could not tell what was real and what was fake in the movie.
The plot was very easy to follow and easy to understand which allowed me to sit back, relax, and enjoy the movie even more.
Unfortunately, there are a couple downsides to the movie.
The movie is about two hours and seven minutes long but it makes you feel as if you have been sitting in the theater the whole day, watching the same thing over and over again.
This brings me to my next point of how the movie is very repetitive. Most of the story takes place on the boat and nothing too interesting happens during these scenes. It is just Pi and the tiger trying to stay alert so they can stay alive.
All in all, I definitely recommend Life of Pi to anyone who wants to see something that really opens your eyes and exposes you to the real world and how hard life can really be. It really is a great piece of work, and everyone should at least see it once if not more.