A heartfelt and effortlessly adorable animated adventure comedy, Frozen follows the story of two sisters who live as princesses in the idealistic Disney castle. From the moment I heard that Frozen was made by the creators of Tangled, I made it my goal to see Frozen with my sister.
The main protagonists and sisters, Elsa and Anna, are inseparable from birth, building snowmen together to their heart’s content. The seemingly utopian world of the sisters suddenly turns upside down, though, when the eldest sister Elsa discovers the magnitude of her innate powers. She was born with the power to turn anything surrounding her into ice.Throughout the journey, Anna seeks a companion due to the lack of her sister’s presence in her life. Along the way, she meets two men that soon become prospective love matches. I personally thought that the actresses playing the roles of Anna and Elsa were a perfect fit. Kristen Bell played Anna perfectly, nailing her rambunctious and unladylike behavior. Edina Menzel was a great match for Elsa, with her serious demeanor, not to mention her flawless singing voice.
Overall I would rate Frozen a 10 out of 10 and would highly recommend it to anyone who watched Tangled and adored it as much as I did. If you decide to go, make sure to be on the lookout for Rapunzel from Tangled—she makes an inconspicuous appearance in the movie.