Carnival Update

Shwayze’s performance at prom was filled with dirty lyrics.
After two weeks of major drug and alcohol crack downs prior to prom, rapper Shwayze’s performance at prom was highly uncensored despite efforts from the Langley administration to make it “PG-13.” Shwayze breached his contract and used expletives, sexual references and drug references that are trademark to many of his songs.
The rapper — whose songs contain sexual or drug- related references – promised the prom committee and administration he would keep it clean and signed a contract specifically stating that his performance would be “PG- 13,” sources confirmed.
Within minutes of the start of his performance, however, Shwayze breeched that PG-13 contract – which called for no drug, alcohol or sexual references during his performance. Definitely rated R, Shwayze’s inappropriate comments brought about loud cheers from the crowd and created a fun mood at prom.
However, not everyone was excited about Shwazye’s remarks and the versions of his music that he and co-performer Cisco Adler chose to play at the event, held at the Westwood Country Club in Vienna.
“I think what people need to know is that we don’t condone that,” said Principal Matthew Ragone of the performance. “It doesn’t represent Langley High School. I think students had fun, but it was like going to a club and that’s not how prom is supposed to be,” he said. “We’ll have to really look carefully at future live acts,” he said.
This year’s prom committee sponsor – 10th grade English teacher Ms. Jennifer Bonafide – said that, overall, she was happy with the performance, since students clearly enjoyed the event. At the same time, Ms. Bonafide said she felt it was wrong of Shwayze to breech his contract.
“Prom was hugely successful and students enjoyed it, but we will be following up with his management,” said Ms. Bonafide, who didn’t wait until the performance ended to contact Shwayze’s managers. As Shwayze and Cisco shouted comments such as “get drunk and (expletive) all night,” Ms. Bonafide was texting Shwayze’s agent about the vulgarities.
When off-color jokes — such as “Smoke weed every day! ” — flew from the stage, administrators said they were caught off-guard, especially since Shwayze had just delivered a clean performance to another school.
“A few weeks before our show, they had a show for a high school of autistic kids and kept it completely clean. They had done it before, so we were confident they could do the same for us,” said Ms. Bonafide.
That confidence was blown almost immediately, said Principal Ragone, who said he realized Shwayze was not going to be putting on a PG-13 show “within the first 30 seconds.” Ultimately, Principal Ragone said he decided to walk outside briefly after hearing Shwayze make direct sexual references with lines like this: “It’s prom tonight, so ya’ll are going to go out and get laid!”
Even though he said he was quickly convinced that the show would not go as planned, Principal Ragone decided not to stop things once they got started. “The thought did occur to me to end the show, but I didn’t want to draw a lot of attention to it.”