People camp out all night just to be one of the first people in the stores. “I was the first person in Old Navy,” said sophomore Ashley Morabito, who waited from 10 pm until 2 am to get inside the store at Tysons.
It was crazy everywhere, even at Dulles Town Center when freshman Alisha Luthra went at 3 pm. “The stores were messy by that time and a lot of people didn’t want to look through the piles of clothes.”
Stores encourage early shopping by offering a bigger discount until nine or ten in the morning, then a smaller discount throughout the day. Junior Nadine Nguyen said that in the stores, “It was crazy and everyone was fighting over each other, and that was at 7 pm.”
The shopping madness continues even after Black Friday is over. In 2005, a new shopping tradition known as Cyber Monday began, where websites began offering deals almost as good or even better than those offered on Black Friday. Cyber Monday appeals to those who feel the need to wait in ridiculously long lines and shop at four am. However, some people run into problems when sites are so overloaded that they crash, like the DSW site did last Monday.