Students currently enrolled in any AP classes know the demanding workload that goes into each course. There are a wide range of topics that must be covered before each exam, making it difficult for teachers to teach all the necessary concepts during the limited school year. Because of this, several AP courses are undergoing changes in their curriculum.
Beginning in 2013, the AP Biology test will be restructured to enable teachers to “focus the course more on key ideas and concepts,” said AP Biology teacher Mr. Jeromy Gilman. These changes will minimize the workload and provide students with greater opportunities to understand key course objectives.
Additionally, the AP World History course will undergo some changes in the 2011-2012 school year. The five key periods of the course will be broken down further into six sections, putting a greater emphasis on events during and after the nineteenth century.
The College Board also plans to edit the World History exam, adding in questions that involve quote and image analysis. “The purpose of all of it is for students to show critical thinking skills in addition to writing,” said AP World History teacher Ms. Brigitte Lavey.