This summer, junior Gabriella Jacobsen will visit Haiti, the Caribbean nation still struggling as it rebuilds in the aftermath of last year’s devastating earthquake. In the final weeks of school, however, she is attempting to get the Langley community involved in her trip as well. In order to do this, Jacobsen organized a drive for school materials that she will distribute to the Haitian orphans she will meet during her trip.
“Even though the earthquake was a year ago, that doesn’t mean that the economy or social structure is different from what they were a year ago,” she said. The drive began on May 23 and will continue through final exams. Jacobsen, who will work at an orphanage in Jacmel with the community coalition, will bring the donated materials with her when she makes the trip to the impoverished nation.
“Unfortunately, so far not much has been donated,” said Jacobsen after the first few weeks of the drive. However, she hopes to see more students become involved in the drive before the rush towards final exams begins.
Still, Jacobsen is excited for her trip to Haiti and has high hopes for the drive. “I knew that I wanted to help this year. I intrinsically love doing volunteer work. [But] I didn’t just want to go anywhere. I wanted to go somewhere there was a need. In Haiti, I saw a need.”