Langley students were disappointed to discover last week that FairfaxC ountys chools would not actually be closed due to flooding, as the website of WTOP, the Washington news radio station, had claimed.
Many rumors circulated as to why the information was put up and then taken off. Sophomore Eddie Martinez theorized, “WTOP was just trying to mess with us. I didn’t do my homework and then I found out school wasn’t actually cancelled.” The most popular theory was that WTOP had been hacked and the school closings were just a prank devised by a couple kids.
In fact, the false post was just a mistake by WTOP. According to John Meyer, director of digital media for WTOP, the radio station has “a new school closing system that was being tested in preparation of the potential weather…during that process some information was inadvertently posted live on the site.”
Prank or mistake, either way it was a major disappointment for students when they found out they would not be missing out on school the next day. “I was so bummed when I found out it was fake,” said junior Melissa Aronson.