Following a tough tournament at George Mason just two weeks ago, the Debate and Forensics team has bounced back with high spirits and determination, and is ready to take on another tournament at Robinson High School tomorrow morning.
“We’ve had a lot of experienced underclassmen join this year, and many of our members have won first or second place,” said junior Meenakshi Parashar.
“It’s all about practice. People learned at Mason that there’s competition out there. It was important for them to witness it so that they can draw off that and do what they need to get to a higher level,” added debate coach Gifford Krivak.
There are two main categories of competition – debate, which involves competitors arguing over issues, and forensics, in which competitors give oral or dramatic presentations. Within each of these categories, there are many events to choose from. Debate events include Lincoln Douglas (one on one), Public Forum (two on two) and Student Congress (mock Congress session). Forensics events include Original Oratory (7-10 minute memorized speech on any topic), Impromptu (3-5 minute speech with limited preparation time), Extemporaneous Speaking (3-5 minute speech with limited prep time on a national or foreign issue), and Interpretation (dramatic reenactment of a scene).
Both sides of the team are expected to attend a weekly practice on either Monday or Thursday for practice.
“The members are required to bring in their speeches or piecees. It’s nerve-wracking to practice in front of your peers, but nobody is judging. We are just looking for improvement,” said Forensics captain, senior Samantha Kobor. “The team is showing a lot of promise. There are many people that have been working hard, and it’ll pay off.”