A young man plays Division 1 basketball for a top tier college with superb athletics. Despite his full scholarship, the man struggles with his personal finances, resorting to eating a total of two ramen cups as each day’s meal. Meanwhile, his college and the NCAA, or the National Collegiate Athletic Association, earn approximately $30,000,000 annually. Would it be appropriate for this man, and all other NCAA athletes to be paid for their athletic services?
Members of Langley’s Ethics Bowl team contemplate ethical cases like this regularly. In competitions, a team of students take a position on ten different ethical cases while being judged by a panel of three judges on their ability to analyze, address, and apply ethical theories to the issues at hand. Ms. Allison Cohen, Langley’s AP U.S. Government and Nature of Knowledge teacher, sponsors and works with the students in Ethics Bowl.
“It’s like debate in respect, but it’s different in that students are not rewarded points for being combative. Students can pose questions to the other side while still agreeing with their position, while probing their logic and reasoning for their position” said Cohen.
This aspect of Ethics Bowl competitions makes it unique in comparison to other clubs and competitions.
“Ethics Bowl sounds cool because I can still take my position without having to disagree with the other team” said sophomore Michael Ning.
The next Ethics Bowl competition is expected to take place on November 23rd at American University, and following their win at the Baltimore Area High School Ethics Bowl after only one year of competing, Langley’s current team has much to live up to.
“I was very proud when our students won the Baltimore Area Ethics bowl, so I expect to continue the tradition that started last year” said Cohen.
Members of Langley’s first winning team share a similar confidence. “I think we’ll do really well” said Senior Monique Swirsky. “I have high expectations for Langley’s team.”