It’s not often a Langley team wins states, and in the case of Langley’s: Scholastic team, obliterates the competition. After a perfect season, the Langley scholastic team competed in the Scholastic Bowl state championship on February 22nd, at the College of William and Mary.
The team was able to claim victory against Ocean lakes, Western Branch, and Stonewall Jackson high school. This will be the first time Langley has won states, and this is a huge accomplishment for the whole team,
Four year Scholastic team veteran, team captain, and the club’s co- president Michael Sanders said “It’s extremely gratifying, after all the hard work we’ve put in all four years, to finally win it all is a huge honor.” Currently, they are set to compete in a few more episodes of the television program “It’s Academic”, and possibly participate in the Pace National competition, where they will compete on a national level against other schools. Whatever they end up doing, the future looks very bright for the Scholastic Team.