Time—it is something we crave, something we are always grasping for, and yet we never seem to quite catch it. If there were something students could do to gain back hours of studying and sleeping, why wouldn’t they seize the opportunity?
Facebook is the reason for many students’ lack of time and focus, and deactivating it could be the solution. It takes an enormous amount of self-discipline to sit down and decide to cut off a form of communication with friends and groups, but the amount of time saved after deactivating makes this sacrifice worth the cost.
“It gave me a reason to be more focused with homework,” said junior Samantha Sterling about deactivating, “I get things done much more efficiently.”
Personally, deactivating my account was one of the best decisions I have made during my high school years. At first, I found myself typing in the first couple letters of Facebook into my URL whenever I was on the internet, but after a couple weeks, I have no desire to reactivate. Looking back, scrolling through people’s photos not only seems creepy, but I could have saved so much time.
“I’d recommend deactivating to anyone,” said junior Molly Bremer, “you will realize you had so much more time to relax and less time worrying about who did what and when.”
Some students argue that without Facebook, it would be logistically impossible to keep up with sports and clubs, but email, texting, iChat, and Skype all compensate for this loss; we have more than enough technology to fill in the gaps.
Your profile will always be there for the summer, or whenever you decide to reactivate, but during crunch time, make the smart decision and hold off for a while.