In the whirlwind of acceptances, rejections, and deferrals, one outlet becomes the center of most seniors’ attention. Social media has become the hotspot in the college process. Because of this, everything about college results has become so public.
Twitter and Facebook updates have added an enormous amount of stress to the college process. Now, in addition to confronting yourself, your parents, and your teachers, you are faced with the notion of notifying your thousand or so Facebook friends.
While this time brings excitement, being deferred or rejected is a struggle enough. Now, with everyone knowing the dates that colleges release their notifications, unless you update everyone with a “Class of 2016!!!!!!!!!” everyone immediately knows, or thinks they know, exactly what your plans are for the next four years of your life.
But there are so many inconsistencies with the notification of decisions, and this entire show has become so blown out of proportion. Sites crash, decisions are delayed, and mishaps happen. This uncertain time in seniors’ lives should be a private matter.
One of my good friends kept her early decision application college a secret. She didn’t tell anyone she had applied to Harvard, but once she got in, it was much more exciting and unexpected. She told me how difficult it was to do, but if she had not been accepted, no one would be the wiser.
Social media has warped our college process, and without the stress Facebook and Twitter bring, then our lives would be much simpler.