Oh, hey it’s snowing. And there’s some ice mixed with it too. Snow day!
Wait a minute. It’s Saturday.
It’s happened to the best of us. We wait not-so-patiently for those beautiful white flurries to fall from the sky, only to have it snow or ice on a Friday evening or Saturday—aka a day that we don’t have school. Your heart sinks and you slink into school on Monday complaining about how you should still be in bed.
Things always seem to happen like this. And no one is happy about it. “This is ridiculous,” said senior Hanumita Gupta. “The snow gods hate the class of 2012.” Which might be the case.
If you’re not aware, the graduation date for Seniors cannot change, so no matter how much snow Mother Nature dumps on us, seniors will still be graduating on June 18th. So naturally, they want the least amount of school possible.
Because Mother Nature can’t make up her mind, instead of being tucked comfortably in your cozy bed, sleeping in on a weekday, your parents pull you out of bed on a Saturday morning to shovel snow. Sure, almost all of us love that fluffy white stuff, but we like it more when it prevents us from getting to school.
So maybe we should consult Mr. Barrs and get lessons on how to properly conduct a snow dance. Just hope that Mother Nature doesn’t dump five feet on us like the last time.