“Sup.” “NM, hbu?” “Idk.” “G2G, l8r.” It’s all getting to be too much. What happened to the time when there wasn’t any social media websites or texting? What happened to all those love stories in movies when people actually fell in love and showed it face to face?
In today’s society, feelings and emotions are getting locked up behind computer screens and text message boxes. Teenagers are living through these websites which don’t represent who they truly are. You only can determine someone as them through their words coming from their own mouth and their actions. Now, some people can’t even have a conversation on the phone without being awkward, let alone in person. Social skills and the ability to respond and react to people are a very good traits to have. They are traits many employers look for in job candidates.
Unfortunately, many people in this generation do not have those skills. Engaging in a conversation needs to be more important to people in this world. They need to be more social and learn how to act around other humans, rather than how to act on a computer screen.
The new inventions of faster and technologically advanced social media sites are actually leading to a decline in the nation’s public conversing skills.