Winter Break:
Now it seems like a distant blur of happiness and Netflix binging and shoving matches over who gets the last Christmas cookie, but it was so much more than that.
It was the little kids waking up to mad stacks of presents from Santa Claus on Christmas morning and it was the hopes and possibilities of a new year. It was… uhh… nah it was just cookies and Netflix and Christmas movies and if you deny it you’re a cotton-headed ninny muggins.
Christmas Morning is always the best time. Celebrating the birth of regular Jesus (as opposed to bald Jesus, his birthday is sometime in May).
The family is all gathered together for the wonderful tradition of gift exchanging, unfortunately in my house only the strongest relatives among us manage to stay awake throughout this entire process.
Present opening takes forever because the grandmas and Santa combined (both of which are on about the same level of overall gift-getting ability) get my little sister enough presents to sink a fairly large Hawaiian island. You could say that’s a lot of Barbies.
Anyways at this point we’ve all lost that feeling of warmth, primarily because the circumstances forced us to actually go outside.
Hopefully a long weekend comes around soon before we all give up.