You’ve got mail! Let me just begin by saying that I’m thankful that my email account doesn’t speak to me like that. If it did, I think we’d be a little more acquainted than I’d like. I receive a plethora of emails every day, all from different people wanting the same thing. As much as any girl would love to be desired, this has reached stalker status.
Before you jump to conclusions and assume that I have a million secret admirers, you should probably know that these stalkers are none other than pesky colleges. I know, disappointing. To be honest, though, they’re a lot like secret admirers. I’m bombarded by messages like “We want you, Neeka” and “You intrigue me, Neeka” on a daily basis. Don’t get me wrong; it’s great to feel loved. But at the same time there comes a point where enough is enough.
To give some perspective, I receive about ten emails from colleges a day, give or take. It might seem like an insignificant number, but believe it or not those emails accumulate to a breaking point.
I currently have 414 college emails in my inbox, not including the bounty of emails I got freshman and sophomore year.
Unfortunately, it doesn’t end there. Emails are just the beginning. Before I knew it, colleges were sending me physical mail—almost daily. And to think that all it took was to check one little box on the PSAT to become the target of all the colleges at once. (PSA to all underclassmen: do NOT allow colleges to send you mail unless you want to be buried underneath it). It’s gotten so bad that I’ve created a basket in my room dedicated to college mail that remains unopened, sealed for the eyes of only those who sealed it. It’s nice to be wooed by all, but in the end, there’s only one for me.