Students across Langley showed off their scientific minds during this year’s annual science fair. They had a variety of reasons for participating. Whether it was to express their love for science, see if their creation could be used in everyday life, or simply as a mandatory project for their honors/AP science class, all the students showed that they had put a lot of time and work into their projects.
The science fair allows students to create a scientific experiment and tri-board, where they can show off their hard work to their fellow peers and hopefully impress the judges. “I think the science fair is great for the people participating because of what you learn during research,” said freshman Sydney Sasser, who experimented with plant growth. Sasser placed ten plants each on three different trays, and put the trays in three different directions (upright, upside down, and sideways) to see which one would grow the fastest.
Overall, the science fair showcased a great variety of well-planned projects. “I think a lot of the projects were very creative and many of them deserved awards, but there were only so many awards to be given,” said sophomore Cathy Kiess who watched various presentations.
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Photos by Na He Jeon