Students began to slowly make their way over and watch as teachers and students run around on the football field. With carnival rides and the smell of Chipotle burritos in the background, the first student vs staff soccer game kicked off.
Freshmen Anusheh Kasfi and Ava Shomaker, along with Spanish teacher Sra. Michelle Colville put in months of hard work to make the event possible. With two teams and roughly 20 players from all grades and teaching departments, the game became the main attraction at the carnival.
The students, coached by science teacher Ms. Betsey Jones, took the early lead with a goal from sophomore Hamdan Al-Balawi. The teachers then followed up with a goal from special education teacher Mr. Chris Bass.
“It was blind luck, but I did it for Ms. Statz,” said Mr. Bass about his game-tying goal.
The game ended in a 2-2 tie after a goal from junior Holliday Shuler for the students, and then math teacher Mr. Lawrence Brooks for the staff.
The creators of the event were more than pleased with the game. “The turn out for the game was great. I wish it had gone into overtime. However, we all expected the teachers to lose bya lot, so it was a nice twist that it ended up being such a close game!” said freshman organizer Kafi.
“The game had a large turn out and more people kept coming to watch as the game progressed,” said junior spectator Margo Swomley. The game set the bar high with hopes that this will be a tradition to continue in years to come.
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Photos by Na He Jeon