Langley students, parents, and faculty gathered in downtown Washington at DAR Constitution Hall for the annual tradition that is graduation.
James R. Clapper, the Director of National Intelligence and an adviser to the President, delivered the keynote address.
Clapper stressed the importance of service and acknowledged Langley students’ efforts throughout the school year.
Senior Class President Ryan Natal addressed the crowd and looked back on his years at Langley.
Guests present at the graduation included local state delegate Barbara Comstock, Dranesville District Supervisor John Foust, Assistant Superintendent Marty Smith and School Board Chairwoman Jane Strauss.
Both the Langley Orchestra and the Langley Madrigals performed at the graduation.
Graduates will now attend the “All Night Grad Party,” which will be held at Langley from 11 pm tonight until 5 am tomorrow morning.
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Photos by Harris LaTeef
Special thanks to the Langley Orchestra and Ms. Nancy Schultz for making our coverage possible.