Lazy spring. The moment the cold weather begins to give, the sun shines and announces to the world: time for spring sports.
Even though we may not be able to put our fingers on the exact cause, a general de-motivation accompanies the good weather.
First quarter: we’re all excited to be back after a long summer and have the mental stamina to get through the whole quarter without a hiccup.
Second quarter: we’re a little less motivated, but fewer sports are in season and with a majority of our time spent inside, safely away from the cold weather, we are left with no other option then to complete our homework or die of boredom.
As the season changes from winter to spring, we crawl out of our allegoric dens and caves, yawn and simply enjoy the sun. Even temperatures as low as fifty degrees give us an excuse to break out our summer wardrobe.
The sun stays up longer, practices run longer and by the time we get home, homework has suddenly become the lowest priority. You may think to yourself, “I have practice tomorrow; I need to be well rested. I can’t be up until eleven o’clock studying.”
Although this rationale may seem appealing at the time, report cards begin to tell the tale of a lazy spring.
And so begins the race to intercept grade reports from parents and convince your mom and dad that you “never got a copy of your report card because your teacher didn’t give it to you.”
Welcome to lazy spring, Langley.