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The Saxon Scope

Bringing you the latest at Langley

The Saxon Scope

Bringing you the latest at Langley

The Saxon Scope

Aiden O'Connor

Aiden O’Connor, Editor of Online

Aiden O’Connor is a senior at Langley Highschool and this is his 4th year in journalism. He has been the Scope’s online editor since his junior year. He plays soccer and lived overseas for 5 years of his life.

All content by Aiden O’Connor
From left to right: seniors Diego Morandi, Surya Reddy, Kavye Vij, Alex Hutner, and junior Daniel Kalish pose with their fourth and final win at Old Dominion University (Photo by Stocks).

Going down in diplomacy

Aiden O’Connor, Editor-of-Online
March 4, 2020
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