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The Saxon Scope

Bringing you the latest at Langley

The Saxon Scope

Bringing you the latest at Langley

The Saxon Scope

Matt Angles

Matt Angles, Managing Editor of Writing

Howdy. My name is Matt Angles, and I’m a senior this year. My extracurriculars include baseball, journalism, and golf, but most importantly I’m the founder of Langley’s Crossword society with the esteemed Elias Thrasher, Langley’s best society for the advancement of the mind. I love to work in hard in school and learn new things!  I’m looking forward to a great year of journalism; we’re releasing more issues than ever and I’m really looking forward to it. See you later Saxons!

All content by Matt Angles
When Langley comes together it is something special, but Langley rarely has as much spirit as in this picture

Langley Low in Spirit

Matt Angles, Staff Writer
November 19, 2014
Guardians of the Galaxy Review

Guardians of the Galaxy Review

Matt Angles, Staff Writer
September 22, 2014
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