It’s everywhere: Langley’s website, teacher IDs, sports teams’ and Saxon paraphernalia. The Saxon head, although not commonly noticed, has infiltrated throughout much of the Langley community. The one problem that Computer Graphics students worry about: it is a copyright infringement to the Minnesota Vikings.
Although the colors changed from purple and yellow to green and gold, computer graphics teacher Kelly Mulligan and her students fear that changing colors is not enough. As a result, the Computer Graphics program experimented with new Saxon logos last year.
Researching Saxons history and images rather than settling with ones of Vikings, students came up with a few samples that were particularly strong. Discussing more with Principal Matt Ragone over the summer, Ms. Mulligan and her program increasingly became more interested with the idea to change the logo.
At the beginning of this year, Ms. Mulligan assigned students to create a new logo and posted their products in the art display. More of a discussion than a competition, Mrs. Mulligan hopes the sample logos will inspire the school to change from the current logo to a new one; arguably one with more meaning and relevance to the school since it would be created by a student.