Facebook nation

Last week was by far the most productive week of my junior year solely because of one extreme measure I took: deactivating my Facebook account.

It was unbelievable how much time deactivating Facebook saved me. Rather than mixing Facebook with homework and taking hours to complete assignments, I could focus solely on homework and finish much quicker. Last week was probably the first time all year that I actually completed every single homework assignment for all of my classes.

I had the spare time to complete tasks that I had been pushing off for months. My closet was literally overflowing and my binders and backpack were a complete disaster. Deleting my Facebook allowed me to really regroup and get myself organized, which was a major problem for me.

Life without Facebook may seem hard to imagine but I strongly recommend it to anyone who is struggling. It gave me the time I needed to get myself back on track.

I did reactivate my Facebook, but not having it for a week got me out of the habit of constantly checking it. I hardly check it on my phone anymore and it is not the first thing I do when I get on the computer.

Everyone should try deactivating their Facebook, even if not permanently.


– Deactivated account at 6pm

– Read one chapter of All the Kings Men for English

– Finished a physics homework worksheet

– Did my precal homework due on Tuesday

– I was done with all my homework by 9 and went to bed. That was the earliest I’ve gone to bed all year.


– Got food with friends after school

– Read a chapter out of my AP history text book for homework

– Went to tutoring for Precal and Physics

– Did my AP Spanish homework

– Had dinner with my family

– Went to bed at 10


– I finished my physics review packet for my mid-quarter exam and took it to my uncle to help me with questions I still had, then came back home and reviewed the material again

– Read a chapter of “All the Kings Men”

– Went to bed around 10:30


– Gym after school

– Came home and ate dinner

– Finished all my homework before 8pm and cleaned my whole room

– Went to bed around 9:30