First principal visits Langley
Every day, the orchestra students practice in Hertzler Hall. On Monday, the man it’s named after – Langley’s first principal, Mr. Elam Hertzler – visited the school he ran 41 years ago for the first time since 1992.
During his visit, Mr. Hertzler took a walking tour with current Langley Principal Mr. Matthew Ragone.
Hertzler began as principal when Langley opened in 1965 and remained until 1971. In Hertzler’s ‘Principal’s Message’ in the 1970 edition of the Shire yearbook, Hertzler said, “Innovation is not a luxury; it is a necessity if we are to meet student needs.”
He then went on to discuss the changes that were attempted throughout 1970, including “a drastic change in the dress code and a noon activity period.”
On his recent visit, Hertzler said that “I’m very pleased that Langley is still a school that highly values instruction.”
Mr. Hertzler also said “I’m really impressed with the principal [Mr. Ragone] and I’m glad to see him here.”
Mr. Ragone, who escorted Mr. Hertzler on his tour of Langley, said, “He had some amazing stories to tell.”
Mr. Hertzler in the 1970 Langley Yearbook.
A Senior Staff Writer contributed to this report.