One of the most acclaimed films of the year is, surprisingly, a live-action Disney flick. But, this is no ordinary Disney film involving vivid animation or catchy songs. This time, the film is based on true events of the making of the 1964 classic, “Mary Poppins.” This new Disney film chronicles the making of the novel Mary Poppins as well as taking a look at the life of the novel’s author, P.L Travers, played by Emma Thompson, through flashbacks to her childhood. The film also stars Tom Hanks as Walt Disney, who interestingly enough, is the first actor to portray Disney on film. The film serves both as a comedy and drama, due to its witty humor and dramatic references to Travers’ hard childhood, which involved an alcoholic father and a mother who attempted suicide. This film is probably the most realistic portrayal of how the Disney Studios ran back in the day, before “Pirates of the Caribbean” and the “Marvel” universe. It was also really fun to see what Disneyland looked like in the early 60’s, in which Disney gives Travers a tour of in the film. Hank’s portrayal of Disney and Thompson’s portrayal of Travers has already garnered Oscar buzz, and golden globe nominations for their performances. I highly recommend viewing this film because not only is it enjoyable, but also a good historical look into the Disney Company’s past.